The Cyber security services of Bitdefender have found the security design flaw of LG webOS software susceptible to intruder attacks. This new information alerts us that over 90,000 LG TV models (webOS 3.0-2022) face this security thread. The thesis of Bitdefender defines the latest update of LG webOS software facing an authorization issue that could lead to various data breaches. In layman’s terms, the LG TV is unable to verify the authentication of a verified user. Using this poor file handling method as a weakness, intruders on the internet can easily break the security of LG TV to access user’s…
Author: Sankar
If you’re an LG TV user, then you should learn how LG’s customer service works. As they have been in the field of tech support for years, they offer a fine service for users all around the world. Are you in a situation of seeking the help of customer service and having doubts about how they work? Then the following review will give you a clear explanation of how things work. LG TV Customer Service – Contact Possibilities Customer Care MediumContact PossibilityLive ChatAt the bottom right of the Customer service websiteEmail (Customer Support) (LG TV President)Call Support800-243-0000 or 850-999-4934LG Premium…